Author Archives: Admin
Building Security In Maturity Model (BSIMM)
There exist an interesting model for measuring Software Security called BSIMM. Their Software Security Framework covers 4 domains and 12 practises. The maturity is described with levels, and one can compare own result agains the average. Main links … Continue reading
freeFTPd, Tool for sftp and ftp server
freeFTPd is good alternative when you need to transfer big amount of traffic over local network. During installation, it gives option to run as a service. But an as easy alternative is to start it manually whenever you need to … Continue reading
KeyNote NF, Tool for your notes
There exist several notes keeping and personal organizer type of programs. KeyNote NF is one of these programs. I’m using Beta version (1.7.9), and main features which I like most: tree structure for your notes, or diary etc All notes … Continue reading
MyEnTunnel, Tool for creating dynamic SOCKS tunnel over ssh connection
MyEnTunnel is tool which provides a SOCKS server for local applications tunnels communication to remote ssh server MyEnTunnel can be used as substitute for the bat file mentioned in privacy and internet communication blog. After installation, the installation directory … Continue reading
Privacy and internet communication
Concern Every day there are all kind of privacy related information flowing in and out our computers (figure below). We might be using physical connection at our home and be connected via our ISP (Internet Service Provider). Or when travelling, … Continue reading
Xming, Tool for X Window on MS Windows
Xming is an X Server which one might need when working with unix systems. It is claimed to be portable as well (I haven’t tried the portable part). Configuration is done by a wizard (below). Wizard also gives option to … Continue reading
KVM Switch, Using 2 computers with one set of “Keyboard, Video Screen and Mouse” + USB & Audio
I just recently bought a type of KVM switch with USB and audio cables, and it is just great. For an example, see Dlink KVM-221 below. No more moving laptop around the table when needed. Now, with one switch button, … Continue reading