Author Archives: Admin
WinSCP, Tool for sftp and ftp connections
WinSCP is great tool, a must, for sftp. One can customize the look and feel. It can also remember your password for easy and quick connection. Nice feature is the folder synchronization, this can be used for an easy backup … Continue reading
yWriter 5, Tool for writing Novels, Scenes etc.
yWriter 5 can be helpfull when planning your novel. One can first define the main flow, and then start writing the content step by step (see below). The great thing is that this way the main flow is allways easily … Continue reading
SIW, Tool for showing System Information on Windows
SIW is great tool, a must have, for showing what your windows computer has: software hardware network Typical use is to check hardware related data like the number of memory slots, graphic card slot etc in the computer. One … Continue reading
Mozilla Thunderbird, Tool for emails
Mozilla Thunderbird is great tool for managing your emails. Screenshots are available here.
Mozilla Firefox, Tool for accessing Internet
Mozilla Firefox is great tool for web browsing. It has a lot of additional tools, and it also has Private Browsing mode.
Foxit Reader, Tool for reading PDF files and commenting and filling PDF forms
Foxit Reader is not a must, but is great tool for filling in PDF forms, and saving those PDF files for later use. It works also for forms which are not “interactive forms”, but regular PDF files (see below). Some … Continue reading
Wireshark, Tool for analyzing network traffic
Wireshark is great tool, a must have, for analyzing the network traffic. An example capture is shown below from an http connection. It has features like “Flow graph” (below), and many many other features, like reading other capture formats as … Continue reading