This blog is not about choosing the right color, but about identifying what color is being used. Some tools provide numeric RGB values, but there are some ways to get the nearby color name, as will be shown here.
Getting the color value
WhatColor identifies a color of the pixel on the screen of your PC. It tells you not only the RGB value, but also the name of the color. In the figure below, the color of the RCA connector (under mouse) is found to be #FF4730=”Tomato”.
- The color names can be customized (in an XML file), for example Tomato is defined as
- <color name=”Tomato” rgb=”ff6347″/>
- Spoken Color names, ie. one can activate speech, and then color names are sken as well
Also the Autoit Window Info can provide the numeric RGB values, but without the name.
Tools for giving color name
SIHwheel can provide the color name for a given RGB value. In the figure below, name for the color #FF4730 is “Red Orange”.
- Source code is available
There exist many online tools as well, for example also “Name that color” gives “Red Orange” for RGB #FF4730.
- “Name that color” is implemented as javascripts (js) files. The ntc js is downloadable at the ntc js project page.