gImageReader, OCR tool for capturing text from scanned images

gImageReader can recognize text from scanned documents or books. The OCR (Optical character recognition) used is based on tesseract-ocr engine. It is free and open source. There also exist a portable version for PortableApps.

Wikipedia: Optical character recognition (OCR) is the mechanical or electronic conversion of images of typewritten or printed text into machine-encoded text.

Example 1: A3-scan in pdf format


The extracted text is


The information security manager must understand recovery
time objectives (RTOs) and how they apply to the organization’s
information resources as part of the overall evaluation of risk.
The organization’s business needs will dictate the RTO, which is
usually de?ned as the amount of time to recover an acceptable
level of nonnal operations. The information resource’s ?mctional
criticality, recovery priorities, and interdependencies offset by
costs are variables that will determine the RTO.

Example 2: A4-scan in png format


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